Food Related

Reduction in food wastage


Janke Varshitha (SASTRA)

Sep 30, 2021 1606 views

Reduction in food wastage

IoT sensors are placed near areas of harvesting and making varieties of dishes that collect data like expiry date and temperature. This data can be sent to the cloud where it can be processed and the decision can be made on either to store the food or distribute it to the needy if the expiry date is approaching very soon.

Project Proposal

1. High-level project introduction and performance expectation

purpose of the design: To decrease food wastage.

Application scope: it can be adopted to eradicate food wastage once deployed.

Targeted Users: farmers at the time harvesting, restaurants while throwing the unnecessary food.

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Project Explanation:

initially, the sensors can be placed at all the target users and all the data collected can be sent to the cloud where the data is stored and analyzed. An API can be linked with the cloud which can send notifications to the targeted users and the consumers of the collected food material and hence the wastage can be stopped.

2. Block Diagram

Analog devices are used to collect data near all node points in the network.


3. Expected sustainability results, projected resource savings

The performance parameters that the design should reach:

  • Response time should be very less.
  • The data collected near the sensors should be highly accurate since even a slight deviation may result in the wastage of huge amounts of food.
  • It should be as low cost as possible.


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