
FPGA Enabled Myoelectric Interface for Human Computer Interfacing


Amitav Mitra (Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering, New Delhi)

Oct 31, 2021 770 views

FPGA Enabled Myoelectric Interface for Human Computer Interfacing

The aim of this project is to enable Human Computer Interfacing via a myoelectric interface. High speed signal processing paired with the non-invasiveness of myoelectric sensors would result in a stable yet safe method of acquiring relevant data from the human body and using it as a simple HID input. The FPGA would read analog data, amplify and filter it, and pass it through a neural network (trained for that particular person) to produce data that can be used by a client side program to simulate HID input similar to that of an analog joystick .This would help in making computers more accessible to both disabled people and people of age.

Project Proposal

1. High-level project introduction and performance expectation

2. Block Diagram

3. Expected sustainability results, projected resource savings


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