


Hussam Eid (N/A)

Sep 28, 2021 1610 views


Neuromuscular diseases are one of the most common and yet hardest to diagnose anomalies. Most neuromuscular diseases are diagnosed at a very late stage where no cure can help the patient.

But what if this can change? The goal of Musconnect is to monitor almost 100 muscles in a patient simultaneously and in real-time. This mass of data is gathered over a period of time using microelectrodes that are connected to a patient. The electrodes data is transmitted to the FPGA, processed using the MCU and uploaded and stored in Azure. Using data analysis, the device will be able to predict any deterioration in muscle activities far before any doctor or patient can realize.

Moreover, Due to the ability of the device to monitor 100 major muscles across a patient’s body, the diagnostic will be able to pinpoint the exact location of the muscle abnormalities.A doctor can then decide the best treatment option rather than going through several expensive and inaccurate scans.

Since muscle activities are saved on the cloud, a patient/doctor will be able to monitor improvements in the treatments by comparing muscle contractions before and after diagnosis.
This is a major step in the medical field that will help millions of people around the world with a high degree of accuracy.

Project Proposal

1. High-level project introduction and performance expectation

2. Block Diagram

3. Expected sustainability results, projected resource savings


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