Smart City

Package deliverance


Óscar Alarcón Palomar (Via Cognita)

Oct 28, 2021 1034 views

Package deliverance

This system proposes an update in packages deliverance system, improving how couriers deliver their packages optimising the time to deliver it and the number of packages delivered in a day.

Project Proposal

1. High-level project introduction and performance expectation

The number of purchases made over the Internet increases year after year. This implies an increase in the number of packages that are distributed daily.

When this distribution is made to the buyer's home, two things can happen: that the buyer is in her/his house, receiving the package, and that’s it. Or maybe, the buyer is not at home and the courier must come another day. Going back another day means that the cost of fuel and polluting emissions is doubled (considering that the client is at home and it is not necessary to make a third journey.

The system that I propose allows to solve this problem by keeping an instantly updated agenda of the availability of buyers in their homes to offer the optimal route to the dealer.

Buyers can arrange a timetable about when they are going to be at home. System will create an optimal route keeping in mind these timetables for all the customers. If one customer changes her/his timetable, the system will update the route with this change.

I expect to reduce the number of delivery attempts made by the carrier to one for each package to deliver. This will reduce fuel consumption and polluting gas emissions.

2. Block Diagram

3. Expected sustainability results, projected resource savings

The main savings will be in fuel and emissions caused by failed deliveries that the system will avoid. There will also be an electrical saving in the FPGA device due to the use that I will make.

Another saving will be related to the phone calls that the courier will no longer have to make, neither the time lost by the buyer waiting at home for the package to arrive at an indeterminate time.


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