Smart City

Fire Detection and Cryptography with FPGA


Muhammed YILDIRIM (Gazi University)

Oct 27, 2021 1561 views

Fire Detection and Cryptography with FPGA

In response to forest fires, fires that are not noticed within the first 5 minutes and cannot be intervened in 15-20 minutes spread to large areas and become difficult to control. With the system, it is possible to detect forest fires at the initial stage and to inform the firefighting teams, then to respond to the fire immediately and prevent the progression of the fire. "Early" fire detection is possible by closely monitoring the blind spots in forests and habitats all over the world, where watchtowers cannot follow, and by monitoring critical changes in temperature in these areas. Fires, which cannot be detected early and therefore cannot be intervened immediately, cause the destruction of our forests, which take years or even centuries to grow, and impoverish our world in terms of green space. The system in question has been developed to find solutions to these problems.
Method; In the early warning system, using the mesh network topology, thermal cameras and sensors connected to wireless devices take measurements in the forest area, detecting a possible fire threat and informing the center immediately. By sending regular information to the central monitoring software of the devices, statistical information about the weather conditions of the forest area will also be provided. System; It is the most effective alternative to the existing methods such as human eye tracking, telephone notification, aircraft monitoring and camera monitoring, and the operating costs of the system are reduced thanks to the use of "wireless sensor network" technology in fire fighting.
Considering these, we will realize our project.

Project Proposal

1. High-level project introduction and performance expectation

2. Block Diagram

3. Expected sustainability results, projected resource savings


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